
Family Hostel
Prices (Winter) & Dates
Christmas / New Year December 2021 - January 2022
Ski Holidays - February 2022
  • 3 nights
    for 3 or 4 persons in a 4-bed room
    - 450 francs
    Rooms with shared showers, with sleeping bags, without meals, including visitor's tax, programme & fun
  • 3 nights
    for 4, 5 or 6 persons in a 6-bed room
    - 550 francs
    Rooms with shared showers, with sleeping bags, without meals, including visitor's tax, programme & fun
  • 3 nights
    for 6, 7 or 8 persons in a room with 8 beds
    - 650 francs
    Rooms with shared showers, with sleeping bags, without meals, including visitor's tax, programme & fun
  • 6 nights
    for 3 or 4 persons in a 4-bed room
    - 900 francs
    Rooms with shared showers, with sleeping bags, without meals, including visitor's tax, programme & fun
  • 6 nights
    for 4, 5 or 6 persons in a 6-bed room
    - 1100 francs
    Rooms with shared showers, with sleeping bags, without meals, including visitor's tax, programme & fun
  • 6 nights
    for 6, 7 or 8 persons in a room with 8 beds
    - 1300 francs
    Rooms with shared showers, with sleeping bags, without meals, including visitor's tax, programme & fun
  • Extra night
    for 3 or 4 persons in a 4-bed room
    - 150 francs
    Rooms with shared showers, with sleeping bags, without meals, including visitor's tax, programme & fun
  • Extra night
    for 4, 5 or 6 persons in a room with 6 beds
    - 200 francs
    Rooms with shared showers, with sleeping bags, without meals, including visitor's tax, programme & fun
  • Extra night
    for 6, 7 or 8 persons in a room with 8 beds
    - 250 francs
    Rooms with shared showers, with sleeping bags, without meals, including visitor's tax, programme & fun
  • Single / Mother + Child / Father + Child
    40 Swiss francs per person / night with sleeping bag, including visitor's tax
  • Supplement room with private shower (in Braunwald and in Petit Velan)
    3 nights - 150 francs // 6 nights - 300 francs
Preise Sommer
  • Basic
    3 nights for 3, 4 or 5 persons
    - 350 francs
    applies to shared room, with sleeping bags, without meals, including visitor's tax, programme & fun
  • Basic
    6 nights for 3, 4 or 5 persons
    - 500 francs
    applies to shared room, with sleeping bags, without meals, including visitor's tax, programme & fun
  • Basic
    Extra night for 3, 4 or 5 persons
    - 100 francs
    applies to shared room, with sleeping bags, without meals, including visitor's tax, programme & fun
  • Exclusive
    3 nights for 3 or 4 persons
    - 450 francs
    applies to private four-bed room, with duvets, without meals, including visitor's tax, programme & fun
  • Exclusive
    6 nights for 3 or 4 persons
    - 750 francs
    applies to private four-bed room, with duvets, without meals, including visitor's tax, programme & fun
  • Exclusive
    Extra night for 3 or 4 persons
    - 150 francs
    applies to private four-bed room, with duvets, without meals, including visitor's tax, programme & fun
  • De Luxe
    3 nights for 3 or 4 persons
    - 600 francs
    valid for two double rooms with private bathroom or family room (with two connected double rooms), with duvets, without meals, including spa tax, programme & fun, including entrance to spa at Hotel Napoleon.
  • De Luxe
    6 nights for 3 or 4 persons
    - 1000 francs
    valid for two double rooms with private bathroom or family room (with two connected double rooms), with duvets, without meals, including spa tax, programme & fun, including entrance to spa at Hotel Napoleon.
  • De Luxe
    Extra night for 3 or 4 persons
    - 200 francs
    valid for two double rooms with private bathroom or family room (with two connected double rooms), with duvets, without meals, including spa tax, programme & fun, including entrance to spa at Hotel Napoleon.
  • Single / Mother + Child / Father + Child
    35 Swiss francs per person / night with sleeping bag, including visitor's tax